Today is September 2nd, 2018:
Well, school starts tomorrow. Im pretty excited but also kinda nervous. Its like being a freshman all over again.
One thing that I have to say is that there is never, and will never be, the right amount of mental preparation to leave all of your loved ones at home for a year. It is one of the hardest things to do as a student exchange student. When people tell you that you're going to miss home, you just brush it off. But, until you arrive in your host country, not knowing a single soul, and more often than not, not knowing any of the language, you're going to want to go home. But, this is your new home for the next year. Missing your family is normal, yes. But, not being able to talk to them is a lot harder, per rotary rules. Mom, if you're reading this. Thank you. Thank you for being my number one supporter. Thank you for pushing me thus far to be the best young man I could possibly be. You are the most valuable person In the world, and I could never tell you "I love you enough."
