Today is August 27th, 2018:
Today started of with a drive to Budapest to pick up my youngest host brother. There I was able to meet with my host mothers parents. After that we went to a HYPER-market called Auchan. With literally was like 4 Walmarts with a Glenbrook square inside of it lol. Then after we went grocery shopping we went home and had lunch. After lunch I took a nap, per usual. After my nap it was time to go to Budapest with my other host family. I ENJOYED THIS SO MUCH. I had no idea how beautiful and amazing Hungary is. This place is full of hidden gems left and right!. We toured the Buda Castle a bit, danced to some salsa, then grabbed "Fagylalt" ice cream. Then after we walked around the castle we went to a very traditional restaurant..... yes you guessed it..... MCDONALDS!!!!
What is that wonderfwonderful building?