Today is August 8th, 2018:
I leave in 12 days, and that is something that is so unreal to believe.... I am all packed, and have been for the last week. I have packed and unpacked my clothes 5 times to make sure that I am not making too much, even though I have to pack for all 4 seasons. Some students who went to South America were able to pack two 50lbs, a carry on and a personal bag, which seems like a lot because it is. I have been reading blogs from my fellow outbounds and have became more and more and more excited. Guys, this just doesn't feel real. Some people may say, a year is a long time and I say , oh no way its not. But when I sit down and actually think about it, it is such a long time. Not being here for Christmas, my moms birthday, Olivia and Julianas birthday, my twin brothers birthday , I mean the list is practically endless. Rotary gives kids aged 15-18 and opportunity to live aboard for a year, and tries their hardest to prepare us for that. But no amount of preparation could prepare me for leaving my home for a year and not being with my family. This is a commitment that I have taken, and will live it out to its full extent. Without the help of my family, friends, FW Rotary club, Szentendre Rotary Club, and importantly myself, I don't think that I would be as prepared as I possibly could without the people who constantly care about me and check up on my life.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me reach this soon to be memorable milestone in my life.
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