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Szentendre éjjel-nappal nyitva fesztivál

Writer: Desmond ReynoldsDesmond Reynolds

Today is August 25th, 2018:

Last night my host family and I met up with a German girl named Joana, at the cities "day and night open air festival." This festival was nothing that I have ever been to before. It reminded me of the three rivers festival but a little better. There was so much food and so many concerts happening all at once. My all time favorite was the AFRO CLUB, the African concert where everyone got up and danced to traditional African music and just had a banging good time. Throughout the night the weather was here and there, and quite frankly just sucked lol. But it didn't stop the main event of the city deputy mayor lighting over a 1000 candles that flowed down the Danube. Such an incredible sight to see the city come together as one and enjoy one anothers company. At the festival I met many of Réka's co workers, and they all seemed to love me. We went into the cave because of the rain, and inside the cave we had a drink and enjoyed a concert that was louder than anything I have ever experienced, with a lot of bass. Then we explored the city a lot more, and at that moment I realized how cool my city actually is. Then it was time to go home and just out Luck we get stuck in a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR and then forced to run marathon speed for 20 mins until we got back home.

This morning we rode our bikes down to the local market, and looked around at all the vendors. Then we went to the bike store where Csaba talked to the owner about stuff. Then we went to the phone service to get a phone plan. There my SIM card would not eject from my phone but then we were able to get it. After that we went home and now we just had lunch. Then later on tonight we will go to the annual Rotary Duck Race, then go back to the festival tonight.

So far I am really enjoying my exchange in Hungary. Yes there have been the natural exchange student ups and downs, but I have overcame them. This is going to be the best year of my life, and I will not let anyone or anything prevent me from being the best that I can be. Without self confidence, it is virtually impossible to go anywhere in life positively. I have the best support team back home that includes my family, friends, and rotarians, and the best support team here in Hungary all thanks to rotary and the Varga Family. Although it has only been a week, I feel apart of this family. I feel like I belong here, and I feel like I am wanted. This is exactly what rotary youth exchange is all about, making those relationships that will most definitely last a lifetime.

We then met up with the other exchange students at the festival in Szentendre. Meeting derrick and Maria, I could feel an instant bond between us exchange students. A bond that I think will last longer than my exchange. It turns out that Maria is a Yo-Yo exchange student and was an exchange student in the years 2016-2017 in the great country of AMERICA, living in the state right next to me, Ohio. We instantly bonded over typical American teen things such as, football games, vine, chipotle, Panera, mcdonalds, shopping, vines again, and all kinds of sayings that us typical Americans say frequently. It was a huge blessing to know that Maria can speak English very well, and to also learn that Derrick can also speak English well. Things are falling into place, as they should. My host family is super kind to me, and I just can't thank them enough. Starting Monday, Csaba and I will begin working out (at my personal speed) to make me into a more healthy boy (young man). This is a Huge commitment that I am willing to take. I appreciate Csaba wanting to be my motivator, because that was the number one thing that I seemed to be lacking, a motivator. I have the time, energy (sometimes lol) but I never actually had the motivation. I want to return back to America in healthier shape and overall healthier wellness than with what I arrived with. Hopefully with my determination, results will prevail.


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Kelly Shanks
Aug 31, 2018

I am super happy for you, Desmond. And your posts make me feel like you are talking right next to me.tme. Thank you.


Audreahna Haines
Audreahna Haines
Aug 26, 2018

Yes Dez!! I am so so happy for you!! I am so glad that you are making the commitment to get into shape and I am even more glad that you are having a wonderful time! I cannot wait to talk with you to get all kinds of updates on all that you've done!!


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