Today is March 29, 2018. The day before spring break, and yes, you guessed it, i'm at school. Today is just one of those days where I really take a step back and realize that I will be leaving the country in August. I am not completely sure when I will be leaving, but all I know is that it is towards the end of summer. Over this past week I have found a lot of the current exchange students' Instagrams. I followed them real quick like, because I wanted to know how their experience is going, even though they are not in my host country. Looking at Mike Shanks' instagram made me chuckle, and also made me excited because he's in Berlin, Germany, which is in kinda-somewhat close to Hungary. European countries are absolutely beautiful. I have a genuine desire to learn Hungarian (Magyar). I AM SUPER DUPER excited to go to school there.
- T minus 5 months until HUNGARY!